Timeouts in Kafka clients and Kafka Streams

Broken chain

UPDATE (Kafka client v2.0):

  • Also as part of KIP-266, the default value of request.timeout.ms has been changed to 30 seconds. The previous value was a little higher than 5 minutes to account for maximum time that a rebalance would take. Now we treat the JoinGroup request in the rebalance as a special case and use a value derived from max.poll.interval.ms for the request timeout. All other request types use the timeout defined by request.timeout.ms

IMPORTANT: This is information is based on Kafka and Kafka Streams 1.0.0. Past or future versions may defer.

As with any distributed system, Kafka relies on timeouts to detect failures. Those timeouts can be sent by clients and brokers that want to detect each other unavailability. The following is a description of the configuration values that control timeouts that both brokers and client will use to detect clients not being available.

The original design for the Poll() method in the Java consumer tried to kill two birds with one stone:

  • Guarantee consumer liveness
  • Guarantee progress as well, since a consumer could be alive but not moving forward

However, this design caused a few problems. The solution was to introduce separate configuration values and background thread based heartbeat mechanism.


Since Kafka, the heartbeat happens from a separate, background thread, different to the thread where Poll() runs. The description for the configuration value is:

The expected time between heartbeats to the consumer coordinator when using Kafka’s group management facilities. Heartbeats are used to ensure that the consumer’s session stays active and to facilitate rebalancing when new consumers join or leave the group. The value must be set lower than session.timeout.ms, but typically should be set no higher than 1/3 of that value. It can be adjusted even lower to control the expected time for normal rebalances.

The default value is 3 seconds. This heartbeat will guarantee an early detection when the consumer goes down, maybe due to an unexpected exception killing the process. However, back pressure or slow processing will not affect this heartbeat.


Introduced with Kafka as well, compensates for the background heart-beating but introducing a limit between Poll() calls. The description for the configuration value is:

The maximum delay between invocations of poll() when using consumer group management. This places an upper bound on the amount of time that the consumer can be idle before fetching more records. If poll() is not called before expiration of this timeout, then the consumer is considered failed and the group will rebalance in order to reassign the partitions to another member.

The default value is 30 seconds, except for Kafka Streams, which increases it to Integer.MAX_VALUE.

When the timeout expires, the consumer will stop heart-beating and will leave the consumer group explicitly. With this new configuration value, we can set an upper limit to how long we expect a batch of records to be processed. Together with max.poll.record and the appropriate timeouts for third party calls, we should be able to determine fairly accurately how long an application may stay unresponsive while processing records.

Also, max.poll.interval.ms has a role in rebalances. Since we know it represents how long processing a batch can take, it is also implicitly timeout for how long a client should be awaited in the event of a rebalance. Therefore, the client sends this value when it joins the consumer group. On the event of a rebalance, the broker will wait this timeout for a client to respond, before kicking it out of the consumer group.


Finally, while the previous values are used to get the client willingly out of the consumer group, this value controls when the broker can push it out itself. The description for this configuration value is:

The timeout used to detect consumer failures when using Kafka’s group management facility. The consumer sends periodic heartbeats to indicate its liveness to the broker. If no heartbeats are received by the broker before the expiration of this session timeout, then the broker will remove this consumer from the group and initiate a rebalance.

The default is 10 seconds. Clients have to define a value between the range defined by group.min.session.timeout.ms and group.max.session.timeout.ms, which are defined in the broker side.

What does this all mean?

In a nutshell, it means that you have to configure two types of timeouts: heartbeat timeout and processing timeout. The former accounts for clients going down and the second for clients taking too long to make progress.

Heartbeating will be controlled by the expected heartbeat.interval.ms and the upper limit defined by session.timeout.ms.

Processing will be controlled by max.poll.interval.ms. On the client side, kicking the client out of the consumer group when the timeout expires. On the server side, communicating to the broker what is the expected rebalancing timeout.

The Integer.MAX_VALUE Kafka Streams default

max.poll.interval.ms default for Kafka Streams was changed to Integer.MAX_VALUE in Kafka to strength its robustness in the scenario of larga state restores. Fortunately, after changes to the library in 0.11 and 1.0, this large value is not necessary anymore.

In any case, it is still recommended to use a generous timeout in case of calls to external third parties from a stream topology. For a node that goes down, session.timeout.ms will quickly be triggered since the background heartbeat will stop.

For a node that is simply taking too long to process records, the assumption is any other instance picking up those records would suffer the same delays with the third party.


Separating max.poll.interval.ms and session.timeout.ms allows a tighter control over applications going down with shorter session.timeout.ms, while still giving them room for longer processing times with an extended max.poll.interval.ms.

This is specially useful for Kafka Streams applications, where we can hook complicated, long-running, processing for every record.


Incompatible AVRO schema in Schema Registry

My company uses Apache Kafka as the spine for its next-generation architecture. Kafka is a distributed append-only log that can be used as a pub-sub mechanism. We use Kafka to publish events once business processes have completed successfully, allowing a high degree of decoupling between producers and consumers.

These events are encoded using Avro schemas. Avro is a binary serialization format that enables a compact representation of data, much more than, for instance, JSON. Given the high volume of events we publish to kafka, using a compact format is critical.

In combination with Avro we use Confluent’s Schema Registry to manage our schemas. The registry provides a RESTful API to store and retrieve schemas.

Compatibility modes

The Schema Registry can control what schemas get registered, ensuring a certain level of compatibility between existing and new schemas. This compatibility can be set to one of the next four modes:

  • BACKWARD: a new schema is allowed if it can be used to read all data ever published into the corresponding topic.
  • FORWARD: a new schema is allowed if it can be used to write data that all previous schemas would be able to read.
  • FULL: a new schema that fullfils both registrations.
  • NONE: a schema is allowed as long as it is valid Avro.

By default, Schema Registry sets BACKWARD compatibility, which is most likely your preferred option in PROD environment, unless you want to have a hard time with your consumers not quite understanding events published with a newer, incompatible version of the schema.

Incompatible schemas

In development phase it is perfectly fine to replace schemas with others that are incompatible. Schema Registry will prevent updating the existing schema to an incompatible newer version unless we change its default setting.

Fortunately Schema Registry offers a complete API that allows to register and retrieve schemas, but also to change some of its configuration. More specifically, it offers a /config endpoint to PUT new values for its compatibility setting.

The following command would change the compatibility setting to NONE for all schemas in the Registry:

curl -X PUT http://your-schema-registry-address/config 
     -d '{"compatibility": "NONE"}'
     -H "Content-Type:application/json"

This way next registration would be allowed by the Registry as long as the newer schema were valid Avro. The configuration can be set for an specific schema too, simply appending the name (i.e., /config/subject-name).

Once the incompatible schema has been registered, the setting should be set back to a more cautious value.


The combination of Kafka, Avro and Schema Registry is a great way to store your events in the most compact way possible, while still retains the ability to evolve the corresponding schemas.

However some of the limitations that the Schema Registry imposes make less sense on a development environment. On some occassions, making incompatible changes in a simple way is necessary and recommendable.

The Schema Registry API allows changing the compatibility setting to accept schemas that, otherwise, would be rejected.

FAQ: Story points

Story points are quite old, but there are still way too many misunderstandings around them. Below I’m going to try to shed some light on the most common doubts around them.


What are Story Points?
It’s a way to measure the effort necessary to implement a story, where a story is some requirement that an Agile team is going to convert into working software.


How do they work?
You have a scale of values, you define a baseline (a really simple story that you would consider requires an effort of 1 point) and then you estimate everything relatively to that baseline story. If a story requires the same or less effort than your baseline, you give it 1 point. If it is roughly twice as difficult, you assign 2 points. The values in the scale have to be spacious enough to make sure you don’t try to estimate “too precisely”. Therefore many teams choose Fibonacci series as their scale (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc).


Wait a minute, what do you mean by “don’t try to estimate too precisely”? And why not just estimating using time?
I mean exactly that. When you use this technique, you are implicitly recognising that you can’t provide meaningful estimations with the level of detail that a time estimation requires. In plain English, you recognise your estimations in time are not accurate, therefore they don’t have any value.

Instead you use a more high-level, less-precise measure like story points. Even if it is less precise than a time-based estimation, it is more valuable because it’s more stable and, overtime, it will be more helpful to forecast team and project progress.


Is effort all I have to take into account when estimating with story points?
Not necessarily, although it is the most important bit. Other things that you may consider are:

  • How clear are the requirements and acceptance criteria in the story?
  • Does it look like they may be many technical or business unknowns that will be discovered during the implementation phase?
  • Is there any technical risk? For example, are you using a technology for the first time?

The more question marks around the story, the higher the number of story points.


Can I sum story points?

No, you can’t. They don’t represent numbers, they represent buckets. That means that, when you have a story that is the same or less effort  than your base line, you put in the 1-point bucket. When it’s the same or less than twice the effort for your base line, you throw it to the 2-point bucket, etc. You get the point.

Also quite often the amount of time require to implement a 3-point story will be much more than 50% more the effort of a 2-point story. There is no linearity, not to mention that the higher the bucket, the wilder the oscillation in implementation time (which makes sense because the higher the risk too).


Is Story Points the only way to measure stories and forecast?

No, there are other metrics. T-shirt sizes is quite common too. Some people also consider using “ideal days”. This one is, more or less, a representation of how much work you can do in a perfect day, without meetings, without distractions and without any other problem. Then you assign those ideal days to stories and, if you’re working on sprints, over time you can measure how many actual ideal days your team has per sprint.


Do I have to use Story Points if I do Scrum?

Not at all. If you check the Scrum.org Scrum Guide, story points aren’t mention anywhere. That makes all the sense, because contrary to what many people think, Scrum is a quite loose framework (not a process) that you have to fill in with your own practices to come up with a development process. Actually, years ago the Guide didn’t even mention estimations. It just mentioned your backlog should be ordered and it was up to the Product Owner to discover what that order should be.


Why should I use Story Points then?

You shouldn’t if you don’t know why you would use them. And you would use them if you want to provide some forecasting regarding your project. Basically, been able to answer the question: “when is this going to be done?”. Story Points help you answer that question because, overtime, you get some sense of how many points you can deliver per unit of time, where that unit of time is usually your sprint size in weeks. Based on that, you can be reasonable confident about how many stories you can get done and when, on a relatively close time horizon. Don’t try to estimate a massive project using story points before even starting it, it won’t work. You won’t have enough understanding of the project, the stakeholders and the technology and your estimations will have zero value.


Why should I estimate in the first place?

Well, if you are a developer, estimating doesn’t add any value to you; zero. You just want to get a list of things to do and nail them and you don’t need to communicate in advance when they’ll be done, right? However, some people would argue that part of been a professional engineer includes providing meaningful estimations regarding delivery of software to the rest of the business. In better words than mine:

Avoiding responsibility for estimates is another way of saying, “I’m not ready to be relied upon for building critical pieces of infrastructure.” All businesses rely on estimates, and all engineers working on a project are involved in Joint Activity, which means that they have a responsibility to others to make themselves interpredictable. In general, mature engineers are comfortable with working within some nonzero amount of uncertainty and risk.

So man up and come up with some respetable estimations that you’re willing to commit to.


Should Management measure team’s productivity using Story Points? 

NEVER. That is one of the biggest mistakes that can be done. If you do so, you’re going to make two mistakes in one:

  • You will ruin story points as a tool to estimate. Eventually every human being tends to trick any system rules, even unconsciously. If you measure people’s productivity with points, they will just inflate their estimations to make it look like more points are delivered per sprint, therefore the team is doing more. Wrong and useless.
  • You’ll miss the opportunity to use a proper and useful measure, like business value. Not saying that business value is easy to measure, though, but definitively worth trying instead of measuring something that is completely irrelevant and easy to trick.


What’s the difference with Planning Poker?

Planning Poker is just a estimation technique, not a estimation measure. You use planning poker as a way to take advance of the “Wisdom of Crowds”. Planning Poker is useful because:

  • Estimations are done and presented without knowing other members’ opinion. Therefore more junior/shy members won’t be influenced by estimations presented by senior/stronger players.
  •  If estimations don’t match, a healthy debate is triggered where more information is brought into the discussion for those that have bigger/smaller numbers. That benefits the final estimation and also helps all team benefit from the insights of each member.


Is that all?

Not really, there are many other things that are interesting on this topic, like trying to correlate points with time (bad idea IMHO) , what a good scale for points should look like, what to do if you realize after implementing a story that it was over/under estimated, how to manage scope creep, etc. Maybe for another day.

Knockout: bindear booleano a radio button

Knockout JS es un framework realmente útil para hacer páginas web dinámicas. Últimamente he tenido la oportunidad de utilizarlo bastante y, siendo un total inexperto, puedo decir que facilita mucho las cosas y tiene una excelente documentación.

Sin embargo, recientemente me encontré en una situación en la que tuve que invertir bastante tiempo para conseguir hacer funcionar un binding entre un par de radio buttons, una propiedad JavaScript del viewModel de Knockout y la correspondiente propiedad en el modelo MVC que recibía mi acción del controlador.

El error

El error se manifestaba simplemente no funcionando el binding entre mi propiedad JS del viewModel y los correspondiente radio buttons. En un primer momento el binding parecía ir bien, pero al enviar la página de vuelta al servidor y retornar al mismo punto por existir algún error en la validación del modelo MVC, el binding no saltaba y los radio buttons no se marcaban según los valores que el usuario hubiera elegido.

La razón

Los radio buttons definen sus valores como strings mientras que la propiedad del modelo MVC era booleano. Entre medias Knockout intentaba “lidiar” entre ambas, pero al recibir el modelo MVC de vuelta tras la validación, su valor booleano no bindeaba correctamente con los radio buttons por ser sus valores cadenas en lugar de booleanos también.

La solución

Probablemente haya múltiples, pero en mi caso la más sencilla fue utilizar un binding custom entre los radio buttons con valores string y la propiedad JS del viewModel.


Utilizando un interceptor entre los valores que llegan de los radio buttons y la propiedad, podemos convertir en ambos sentidos entre booleanos y strings convenientemente.

El custom binding se aplica sobre el binding “checked” habitual de los radio buttons, de forma que podemos reaprovechar todo el mecanismo ya existente.


StackOverflow – Knockoutjs (version 2.1.0): bind boolean value to select box

Por qué hacemos self = this en JS?

Cuando empecé a utilizar Knockout JS, descubrí que existía una cierta convención según la cual, al crear la función Constructor del modelo que se “bindea” con Knockout, la primera línea siempre era la siguiente:

var self = this;

No tenía ni idea de porqué se hacía esto, pero entendía que era necesario para, posteriormente, poder definir y añadir los distintos métodos y propiedades que formaban el modelo.

Ahora, gracias a los vídeos de “JavaScript The Good Parts” de Douglas Crockford en Pluralsight, por fin sé el porqué de esta misteriosa pero indispensable línea. Y las razones son realmente dos.

Una función anidada no tiene acceso al this externo

Como bien explica Douglas, cuando dentro de una función definimos otra función, la función anidada no tiene acceso al puntero this que la función externa ha recibido.

Para superar esta limitación, en ocasiones veremos código en el que se define una línea como la siguiente.

var that = this;

Con esto lo que conseguimos es capturar en la función superior el puntero this, para posteriormente permitir a la función anidada acceder a la variable that que contendrá el mismo valor que contenía this cuando fue capturado.

Exactamente la misma técnica es la que estaremos aplicando al capturar this en una variable de nombre self. De esta forma las distintas funciones que crearemos como parte de la definición del modelo, podrán acceder al this que originalmente recibió la función constructora.

Pero, por qué querríamos acceder a ese this original que la función constructora recibe? Aquí entra en juego el segundo principio que define esta técnica.

La función constructora recibe el nuevo objeto en this

Esta es la otra clave de esta técnica. Cuando una función se invoca con el operador new (como hacemos al crear el modelo), se crea un nuevo objeto y se asigna al puntero this que recibe la función que estamos invocando con el operador.

Esto a efectos prácticos significa que el this que recibiremos en la función constructora es el propio nuevo objeto al que estaremos añadiendo propiedades y métodos como parte del código de dicha función.

De este peculiar modo nuestra función constructora no sólo inicializa el objeto como haría un constructor de un lenguaje estático como Java o C#, sino que también añade la propia funcionalidad al asignar funciones y propiedades.

Routing with WCF

Today we face a problem in Production environment. We needed to route some WCF requests from one “publicly visible” server to an internal one. A typical routing scenario.

Fortunately these requests were received in a WCF service and this technology has a built-in routing feature since 4.0 version. To use it we don’t need to change any code, it is enough to modify the app.config/web.config of the services. Here we can see how to use it, step by step. All these XML code will be place inside system.serviceModel tag

First Step – Define the new Service

We have to define a new Routing service that will receive all the requests. It will, later, internally dispatch them depending on certain routing rules. The XML necessary is:

  <service name="System.ServiceModel.Routing.RoutingService" behaviorConfiguration="routerConfig">
    <endpoint address=""
              name="reqReplyEndpoint" />

Two things that we may notice:

  • The services needs a behavior configuration. In this configuration, later, we will define the routing table.
  • We don’t define an address because we assume the service will be deployed in a IIS server. If we want to do some tests with Casinni, we will need to define an address.

Second Step – SVC hosting file for the new service

Since WCF 4.0 we don’t need the SVC files to host a WCF service, we can define them in app.config/web.config and the internal plumbery of WCF/IIS is smart enough to allow us calling the corresponding URL as if the SVC file really exists. This is the XML necessary for that:

    <add relativeAddress="RiskManagementServiceUAT.svc" service="System.ServiceModel.Routing.RoutingService, System.ServiceModel.Routing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" />

Two more points to consider:

  • The relative address must contain an extension. For example, if we define it as “RiskManagementService.UAT”, without SVC extension, it will fail.
  • The service needs to specify the complete qualify name in this case, but it is not usual. In other projects that we have used this “virtual SVC” system, it was not necessary. Apparently there is some kind of limitation with the RoutingService.

Third Step – Service behavior configuration

We referenced a service behavior when we defined the service in step 1. Below we can see that configuration, that will need to indicate what routing table we have to use.

    <behavior name="routerConfig">
      <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />
      <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="true" />
      <routing routeOnHeadersOnly="false" filterTableName="routingTable" />

Things to consider here:

  • Be sure the name of the behavior matches what you set when defined the service.
  • serviceMetadata may not be necessary in a production environment, if you don’t expect new clients to be created from your service WSDL.
  • serviceDebug MUST NOT be activated in production environment. It is a security risk.
  • In the routing tag we will indicate the name for the routing table to be used in this RoutingService service.

Fourth Step – Routing table

We are getting close to the end… We need to define the routing table. There is complex patterns that we may want to follow, like taking into account headers or contents in the messages. It is really useful for versioning, load-balancing and similar stuff. However, in our concrete scenario we only want to redirect all messages to the internal server, so we didn’t need a complex solution. This was our table:

    <filter name="matchAll" filterType="MatchAll" />

    <filterTable name="routingTable">
        <add filterName="matchAll" endpointName="RiskService" />

Three important points here:

  • Under filters tag we will define all possible filters. In this case we use the MatchAll filter. In bibliography there is a link for all filter types in WCF.
  • Under filterTables tag we define all the possible tables. We may have different tables for different routers. In our case, we define a “routingTable” in the service behavior in Step 3 and here it is.
  • As part of every table we will bound filters with endpoints. This is a very flexible approach, we can define as many possible filters as we may need for all our endpoints and later just correlate them in the filter table.
    • filterName will be the name of the filter to apply.
    • endpointName will be the name of the endpoint where the message will be routed when the filter is matched. This endpoint corresponds to a new element defined in the next step.

Fifth Step – Client endpoints

The router is a sum of input messages, routing logic and destination services. We have defined 2 of 3. In this point we will define what services will receive the messages once the routing is done. Here it is is the XML.

  <endpoint name="RiskService"
            contract="*" />

So what do we have here? Just being “client” of the service where we want to send messages under certain criteria defined in Step 4. Pay attention to the name that we give to the endpoint, because this name must match the value for endpointName in the entries of the filter table defined in Step 4.


WCF is not a easy technology, but it is really powerful and, with enough knowledge and patience there is a great number of scenarios that you can cover with just defining appropriate XML configuration. No coding, no compiling, no deploying, just playing with the app.config/web.config and you get a very powerful Routing Service that is able to route base on headers, message content, protocol, etc.


8 señas de una Aplicación Metro (II)

Siguiendo con la serie iniciada hace un par de días sobre las señales de identidad de una aplicación Metro, hoy continuo con la segunda entrega.

Rapidez y Fluidez (Fast & Fluid)

Este es uno de los aspectos más importantes del diseño de una Aplicación Metro y, en general, de una aplicación táctil. Se basa en cuatro importantes bases.

El rendimiento es más importante todavía en una aplicación táctil, puesto que no existe un nivel de indirección como ocurre con el ratón o con el teclado. Una aplicación táctil que no responde inmediatamente hace sentir al usuario que su máquina está muerta.

También es muy importante el uso de animaciones para elevar la percepción de calidad de la aplicación por parte del usuario. Permite elaborar interfaces fluidas en las que los elementos vienen de algún lugar y van a otro. Por suerte contaremos con una amplia colección de animaciones en WinRT, con las que gratis y sin complicaciones podremos añadir ese toque de calidad a nuestras aplicaciones Metro.

El tercer y último punto donde se asientan el principio de Fast & Fluid es la definición de un nuevo lenguaje para la interfaz táctil. Utilizar estos gestos bien conocidos ayudará al usuario a familiarizarse con la interfaz de la aplicación muy rápidamente, lo que redunda en beneficio de la propia aplicación. En la imagen inferior podemos ver los nuevos gestos.


Para terminar, las aplicaciones Metro se deben diseñar pensando primero en el interfaz táctil. Por otra parte, si se utilizan los controles estándar que aparecen con Windows 8, será posible tener también una interfaz 100% usable con teclado y ratón, “gratis”. Es importante, sobretodo, no separar las interfaces táctil y de ratón, creando bases de código distintas para ambas.

Otras entregas

8 señas de una Aplicación Metro I: Diseño con Estilo Metro (Metro style design)

[Metro] Diseño Metro–Principios y Personalidad

Rebuscando por los muchos e interesantes vídeos que hay en Channel 9 del Build de Septiembre ‘11 encontré éste, en el que se describen los principios sobre los que se fundamenta el estilo de diseño Metro.

En el vídeo se explica que Metro tiene 3 influencias clave:

  • Diseño Moderno (Escuela Bauhaus), que se centra en eliminar todo lo que resulta innecesario en un diseño se centra en la funcionalidad. En su momento esta corriente surgió como reacción ante el sobre-adorno, algo que podría justificarse también hoy en día viendo el nivel de “glossy” de algunas interfaces.
  • Estilo tipográfico internacional (Diseño Suizo): en este aspecto son 4 las razones a destacar.
    • Tipografía clara, limpia, alto contraste, colores planos
    • Simetrías y jerarquías
    • Lenguaje universal
    • Fotografías en lugar de ilustraciones o gráficos, para aportar realidad
  • Diseño en Movimiento (Motion), que permite darle vida al resultado.

Estas 3 influencias clave terminan fundamentando los 5 principios sobre los que se sustentará Metro:

  • Orgullo del trabajo detallista, casi artesanal.
  • Rapidez y fluidez.
  • Auténticamente digital. El mejor ejemplo lo tenemos en los nuevos iconos.
  • Hacer más con menos.
  • Ganar como uno, adaptándose, por ejemplo, a las estructuras que predefine Windows 8. Aporta homogeneidad y coherencia.

En fin, si queréis saber más de cada punto, tendréis que ver el vídeo Smile

8 señas de una Aplicación Metro (I)

Durante el Build Jesen Harris, del equipo de Experiencia de Usuario de Windows, impartió una de las charlas más interesantes. En ella explicó las 8 señas de identidad de una Aplicación Metro.

Estas 8 señas son las siguientes:

  • Diseño con estilo Metro
  • Rapidez y fluidez
  • Partirse y redimensionarse con belleza
  • Utilizar los contratos adecuados
  • Invertir en un gran “Tile”
  • Sentir la aplicación conectada y viva
  • Mover datos a la nube
  • Abrazar los principios de Metro

En este post y sucesivos posts iremos analizando qué significan estos principios y cómo se traducen tanto desde un punto de vista de diseño, como de programación.

Diseño con Estilo Metro (Metro style design)

Las aplicaciones Metro van a tener una “silueta” común, entendida como una serie de principios y guías de estilo que todas deberían respetar para evitar que el usuario sienta incomodidad al pasar de una a otra.

Seguir este estilo resultará sencillo gracias a las plantillas y otros recursos que vamos a tener a nuestra disposición. Bellas tipografías, espacios entre elementos estándar, etc. Todo ello podremos lograrlo con poco esfuerzo. Con estas plantillas tendremos aplicaciones armoniosas con el estilo Metro y entre ellas.

Otro punto importante de las aplicaciones Metro es primar el contenido sobre el “chrome” o marco, entendido como la ventana y toda su decoración y elementos. Este tipo de aplicaciones clásicas de Windows seguirán teniendo su espacio para aplicaciones ricas orientadas a escritorio, teclado y ratón.

Otro punto a considerar son los bordes de la aplicación, que van a coincidir con los bordes de la pantalla puesto que las aplicaciones Metro se ejecutan a pantalla completa por defecto. Los bordes izquierdo y derecho van a ser para el sistema operativo, siendo el izquierdo el encargado de mostrarnos las ventanas ya abiertas y el derecho los “charms” principales.

Sin embargo los bordes superior e inferior son para que la aplicación haga el uso que crea conveniente de ellos. En estos bordes las aplicaciones deben poner la mayoría de sus comandos en barras en estos bordes, barras que aparecerán y desaparecerán dinámicamente y que evitarán estropear el contenido. Por supuesto aquellos comandos que tengan un uso muy habitual deben ir a la ventana principal como siempre.

Otro aspecto a tener en cuenta es que estas aplicaciones van a utilizarse en muchas ocasiones con los dedos a través del interfaz táctil, por lo que es recomendable seguir algunas pautas, como colocar controles en los bordes, que son lugares mucho más accesibles según los estudios de usabilidad realizados por Microsoft.

Otras Entregas

8 señas de una Aplicación Metro II: Rapidez y Fluidez (Fast & Fluid)